Have you got a sore back? Who doesn't?!
We're all guilty of sitting a little too much & moving a little less that we should...especially as the weather takes a turn!
This contributes greatly to our overall stiffness & soreness, your body was made to move, yes even your body that struggles to jump out of bed in the morning!

So here's 3 stretches that you can do, right now for your sore back...
#1 Cat Cow
A yoga classic, but so good for your spine. On all fours with hands directly underneath the shoulders, inhale & lift the chest & drop the navel to the floor, exhale & press the floor away from you arching your back the opposite way.
#2 Seated Pigeon
With legs outstretched take one foot ontop of the opposite thigh, keeping the foot flexed. Pull the leg in if the stretch feels good or take it lower on the leg if it's too intense.
#3 Couch Stretch
Placing a cushion or mat under the knees, kneel infront of the sofa. Place one foot infront of you like you are lunging. Place the other foot on the sofa's edge with your sole facing the sky. Bring the torso upright for a stretch in the front of the quadricep.