Okay, summer's over, we can slink back into the abyss & forget about that stunning autumn fitness gym routine we had planned...right? Wrong.
It's so easy to give into those shorter, darker days & go back to old ways. But it's actually more important than ever to maintain those summer habits. If you've heard of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) then chances are you've experienced it, even if mildly.

We've found that by upping our wellness routine & actually sticking with good habits, we can help offset those pesky autumn blues.
So here's our quick guide to sticking with your wellness this autumn:
#1 Change your training routine
If you've been following the same training all summer long, last thing you'll want to do when that slump in motivation hits, is carry on that program! We suggest a fresh approach to your autumn training. If you've been crushing the cardio, maybe turn your focus to strength...If you've been lifting heavy all summer long, maybe go for a de-load. Or if you've been avoiding the gym all summer, maybe rekindle your relationship!
#2 Bribe yourself
This one is our favorite...for the obvious reasons! It can be really hard to intrinsically motivate ourselves when those dark mornings hit. So we have to play dirty & bribe ourselves. It goes a little something like this..."If I workout X amount of times, I will X myself an X"...honestly, it works a treat!
#3 Choose your workout time wisely
Perhaps the most important of all, choose your workout times wisely, or you could be setting yourself up for failure every time. As the days close in, we have dark, cold mornings & gloomy evenings...so motivating. With that in mind, we need to be very selective as to when we train. If you know you struggle with getting up early, don't go for mornings. Alternatively, if you feel that 2pm slump, mornings are your best bet!
Most importantly, be kind to yourself! No one is perfect & life happens. As long as you know you're doing what you can to prioritize your own well-being then you can rest easy.