What even is longevity we hear you ask...
In humans, longevity can relate to both the biological aspect, how long a person lives & the quality of life throughout their aging process. There are several factors that affect a persons longevity & we actually have a fair amount of control over our own!

So here's 3 actionable tools that you can start using today to boost your longevity.
#1 Clean Up Your Diet
This one seems obvious but it can't be underrated how much your diet affects your overall health. A diet that is free of heavily processed foods & is rich in nutritious foods will bolster your immune system, keeping you healthy well into old age.
#2 Move Your Body
There's no point having a wonderfully healthy body if you aren't moving it, the benefits of this are well known. However, our endocrine system (the thing responsible for keeping us well) depends on lymphatic drainage. When we move our bodies, we boost our lymphatic drainage which can help overall immunity!
#3 Maintain Good Social Connections
By fostering wonderful connection, we boost our feel good feelings, allowing us to combat feelings of loneliness, depression & even cognitive decline.
While these all may seem fairly obvious, it can't be understated how important they really are!
All 3 of these elements are easy to neglect but have a huge impact on your overall longevity!
It's empowering to know just how much of our health really is in our hands! We have the power to make changes that allow us to live a full, healthy life, well into old age!