Choosing what to eat everyday is one of the most boring adult tasks.
Figuring out the most nutritious thing to eat when you're tired from a long day can be uninspiring to say the least.
So we've put together three dinner recipes you can "save for later" straight from our Retreat Kitchen, recipes put together by us, qualified personal trainers that deal with diet day in, day out.
The recipes:
#1 Spicy Turkey Naked Burrito
You need:
300g Turkey Breast
100g Canellini Beans
100g Chopped Tomatoes
1 Red Onion
2 Small Mild Chillies
1Tsp Paprika
1Tsp Oregano
1Tsp Basil
2 Cloves Garlic
Fry the onion, garlic & tomatoes together.
Once the tomatoes begin to break down, add the spices & chillies.
Add the turkey & simmer until the turkey is cooked through.
Add the beans & simmer for a further 5 minutes.
Serve on it's own or add some homemade gucamole. This works well with a small portion of rice or even boiled potatoes.
#2 Winter Chicken Soup
You need:
500g Chicken Thighs
300g Squash Chopped
1 Red Onion
3 Cloves of Garlic
1 Chicken Stock Cube
Fry the onion & garlic together until golden brown.
Add the chicken & fry on each side lightly.
Add the squash, stock cube & 2 cups of water.
Simmer for 20 minutes or until the chieken & the squash are fully cooked.
A hearty meal for those cold days! Serve on it's own or with a few slices of sourdough.
#3 Chilli Beef Jacket Potatoes
You need:
500g Minced Beef
100g Chopped Tomatoes
2 Large Jacket Potatoes
1 Red Onion
3 Cloves Garlic
1Tsp Paprika
2 Small Chillies
30g Grated Cheese
Place the jacket potatoes in the oven to cook.
Fry the onion, garlic & spices together until golden brown.
Add the tomatoes & the chillies.
Mix in the minced beef & cook through.
Once the beef & the potatoes are ready, serve together & top with cheese,
Another delicious cold weather meal to fill you up & fuel you.

Let us know if you try any of these dishes & tag us in your proud dinner photos
(we love em!)
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