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Simple Daily Practices To Boost Your Wellbeing

Daily life can get a bit monotonous, a bit dusty, a bit boring!!

Often times, we let health & wellness slip to the side in favor of just surviving the daily grind.

We're only human.

We all fall prey to #treatyourself culture & we actually believe in the power of it! So why not #treatyourself to a little boost for our wellbeing!

Sunshine Mountain

We've compiled a list of simple daily practices to boost your wellbeing!

#1 Get Outside

Whether it's 5 minutes or 45 minutes, get that body of yours outside! No matter, rain, sun or storm, our body knows when it's out in the great outdoors! The fresh air, the natural light it's good for us in so many ways, too many to list. This can be a powerful change to make, especially if you work from home!

#2 Non-negotiables

We all need to show up for ourselves a little more than we are. We wouldn't let our family down, but we're SO ready to let ourselves down. SO, we want to set some non-negotiable habits or commitments that we make to ourselves. This can be as simple as setting yourself 10 minutes to stretch everyday, no if's and's or but's.

#3 YOU Time

Similar to above, we are giving ourselves time that is just for US. This is especially important if you are a parent! Your every waking moment is for someone else. You need & deserve time that is totally about you. The gym, yoga, a walk it can be anything!

#4 Eat Your Greens

Now I don't specifically mean your greens...I mean eat well...This means eating 3 square meals each day, fueling & honoring your body. We often underestimate the effect that eating irregularly & poorly has on our overall wellbeing. Make your body a priority!

#5 Be Grateful

Perhaps the most simple activity, gratitude. Either upon waking or before sleep, think & list 3 things you are grateful for. This puts our brain in a gratitude mindset rather than perhaps worrying about external things!

Give all or any of these a go & see if you notice the difference!

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