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Staying Healthy While Travelling

#2If you've travelled anywhere, ever, you know it takes it out of you!

You know that maintaining good eating, good hydration & even fitness is very difficult.

Couple this with working on the road & you can kiss routine good-bye.

But it doesn't have to be that way!

We believe in creating practices that follow you wherever you go!

open lake

Here's 3 tips for staying health on-the-go:

#1 Diet is priority

Without doubt the first thing to go, your eating should be a priority as it's the most fragile!

Think ahead, plan ahead & work on making good choices. Avoid fast-food & even certain restaurants. You want to have as much influence over your food as possible. If you have access to a kitchen you're onto a winner, if you don't there are choices you can make that are healthier. Although it's the food should always be the last option.

#2 No Bad Days

As we are human, we can't expect everything to be smooth sailing. So we can expect some "off" days but work on not allowing two days in a row to be poor. Allow yourself one "off" day then get back to it the following day!

#3 Some Is Better Than None

Similar to above, if you are short on time or equipment, don't allow yourself to give up. Some movement is better than none, especially if you've been sedentary while travelling! If you have a floor space & 10 can get it done!

Give these a go when you're next travelling! If you need help with anything health & fitness (workouts, nutrition) give us a message!

As qualified Personal Trainers we are always happy to help with both!

Find more useful content & keep up to date with what we're up to, here at our Instagram.

Or check out our more personal content here on Youtube

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