How many of your daily habits are centered around your own wellbeing & mental wellness? How many are just focused around getting yourself to & from work successfully, disregarding most other things? Life can all too easily slip into a routine that doesn’t serve our best interests.
We’ve got 3 activities you can slot into your habits that give you an extra boost of self-care in your daily life, to top it all, they’re all completely free.
#1 Barefoot Walks
This one is painfully simple, if you don’t already know the benefits of barefoot grounding, give it a google! This is one of our favorite things to do when we feel disconnected. Choose your happy place to stroll, take your shoes off & start walking. Avoid places with man-made surfaces, we want to feel the ground beneath our feet, not tarmac.

#2 Intention lists
Sometimes, what we want can be an ethereal thing, hard to grasp…that’s why we suggest getting our wants & desires down onto paper. There is something powerful about putting pen to paper & having a hard copy of where we want to direct our energy.
#3 Meditation
Now for the obvious one, meditation. Duh…but what meditation is, is totally subjective to you! You don’t have to sit still for 20 minutes. Meditation can take any form that you find brings you peace. This can be cooking delicious meals, cleaning your living space or even a self-care routine. Do what brings you joy.
Give these a go & find what works for you!